No Personal Information
This site as such does not collect any private information from visitors. The server, like all servers, would have log files with IP addresses, browser type, ISP and so on, but without any link to personally identifiable information.
There are advertisers who display ads on this site such as Google Adsense, eBay, etc. These ads may contain cookies and/or web beacons to collect data in the ad serving process and are collected by the ad companies, and this site has no access to this information. You can check the websites of the advertisers for their privacy policies.
Cookies are data kept on the user's computer. This site does not use cookies, but advertisers on this site may use cookies. If a user clicks on an ad, the ad company will likely set a cookie to be stored on the user's computer for some period of time, to link the user's computer with the ad. This site has no access to or control over these cookies. Cookies can be disabled or cleared through the user's browser.
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